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Problem in comparative research: The example of omnivorousness 2005

Richard A. Peterson





1 Omnivorousness born of comparative research

“highbrow snobs” who patronized the fine arts and avoided contract with popular entertainment, and “lowbrows” who enjoyed what was often called “debased” or “brutish” popular entertainment.

→アメリカでのtasteによる階級間差異。支配階級…highbrow snobs/庶民階級…lowbrows



〇この20年、ブルデューの理論を基に、パリと他国を比較する研究は多くなされてきた。Lamont、Albert Simkusらなど。

New Yorkers more often than the other tended to choose friends on the basis of their economic capital, and the provincial elite of both countries more often chose friends on the basis of their honesty. [Lamont 1992]

Those in high-status occupation were also more likely than other to report being involved in a wide range if low status activities, while respondent in the lowest status occupation were most limited in their range of cultural activities, [Peterson and Simkus 1992]

→後者の調査は、支配階級においては幅広い(debasedなものも含む)趣味性向があるという事実を明らかにし、ブルデューのように文化資本の高低が明確に区別できないことがわかった。(taste of highbrow snobs is) including not only the fine art but a range of popular and folk expressions as well.

Nothing that the findings contradicted the usual contrast between the exclusive highbrow snob and the undiscriminating lowbrow slob, we suggested that high status respondents seemed more nearly “omnivorous” in their tastes.

→上位層の趣味はどちらかといてばオムニボアと言えるものだった。そしてこの傾向は特にアメリカでの支配階級に観察できる事実である。In the US at least, the pattern of highbrow snobbery was being replaced by highbrow omnivorousness

〇さらにPetersonとKernの研究では、若いhighbrow snobの方が、よりomnivorousに親和的であることも明らかになった。And also the younger age cohorts bone after the Second World War were distinctly more omnivorous than the cohorts of high status people bone before 1945.




Asserting that the difference between two samples is due to an increase (or decrease) in omnivorousness, as Peterson and Kern (1996) do, is hazardous because the observed differences may be due to any number of other facts.



Yet there have a number of other recent studies made in the US and other countries that show omnivorousness among elites, and none of the few with date from several points in time suggest that the level of elite omnivorousness is falling. That said, omnivorousness became an increasingly common measure of high status over the second half of the 20th century in North America, Europe and beyond, and just like the criterion of high-status snobbery before it, it will eventually pass.


2 Conceptualization and measurement in comparative research


〇定式化の早い段階では、オムニボアはハイカルチャーを好むhighbrow snobとの対比によって概念的に構成されていた。

In its earliest formulation, omnivorousness was contrasted with highbrow snobbery and to be counted as an ominivore one had to like classical music and opera.


Increasingly researchers operationally define omnivorousness simply by counting the number of activities chosen by a respondent and omnivorousness as a continuous variable in regression analyses.




Breadth and volume of activity may be correlated but they need not be. For the lack volume of better term, we follow Katz-Gerro and Sullivan (2005) in identifying this later measurer of the volume of activity as “voraciousness”.



→Brysonは” like very much ” と”dislike very much”のスケールで、音楽趣向の研究を行い、highbrowがポピュラーカルチャーをdislikeと評価した/omnivoreは拒否の反応を一切示さなかったことを明らかにした。


2.3 Measuring tastes or behavior

Highbrow snobberyとオムニボアは、当初、選好の状態を比較する研究が主だった。

→後続する研究も、テイストの選考の計量に基づいてなされてきたA number of subsequent studies have also relied on measures of taste preference


→(self-reported) taste preference/cultural activity of argentsという2つの調査手法


〇後者は実際には行っていない(行いたいと思っている)cultural activityを含むこと=回答することになるので不適切であるという指摘がされる(Peterson 1996)。他方で、but if one is interested in measuring taste as we are here, respondents’ self-reports of their preferences seem a more direct measure of the way they use art in shaping identity and symbolically announcing their place in the world.


Debating the relative veracity of taste and behavior is a bit of a tempest in a tea-pot if one remembers that both measures are based on respondent responses that may, to a considerable degree, reflect what the respondent thinks is the socially appropriate response to a middle-class investigator’s questions.

→両者(teste preference or behavior)の対立というのは、結局のところ調査対象者の回答に基づいており、その回答が中流階級への社会的期待を反映していることを加味するならば、「ささいな内輪もめ(a bit of a tempest in a tea-pot)」に過ぎないことがわかる。


A researcher may legitimately be interested in such responses whether they are true for the individual or only conventional within a group at a particular time. One way to circumvent such conventional response bias is to ask questions, as Bourdieu (1984) did to get at what cultural forms respondents are actually familiar with.




2.4 Is music still an adequate index of status?

‘Noting more clearly affirms ones “class”, noting more infallibly classifies, than taste in music. This is of course because, by virtue of the rarity of the conditions of acquiring the corresponding dispositions, there is no more “classificatory” practice than concert-going or playing a “noble” instrument ‘(Bourdieu 1984)



〇しかしながら、この数年(1990-2005)で取得条件(the condition of acquiring)の敷居は格段に下がり、「レア」な音楽というものはほとんど存在しない状況になった(Crowley 2005)。



2.5 Potential indexes of status


〇音楽が指標としての力を失った今、なにが一体その代替物となりうるのか? If music is losing some of its predictive power, what other variables might serve?




〇これらのテイストの研究の深刻な欠点は、ヒエラルヒーの最下層の人々が余暇の活動にコミットしていないことにある。One serious consequence of this selective attention, however, has been that people near the bottom of the status hierarchy do not seem to participate in much leisure activity (Peterson and Simkus).




〇このように異なる階級間・世代間・性別間・国家間の共通尺度となるテイストとしての音楽の凋落によって、オムニボア概念が試される時が来たのである。The time is ripe for testing the omnivore idea across the full range of style choices.


〇比較研究は共通の尺度の喪失により、特別な課題に直面することになった。Comparative research faces a special challenge because the set of indicators that fit well in one country at one time probably will not serve well across countries and over time. The problem of generating research instruments that can serve in a range of countries us persistent problem, but thanks to financial support from the European Union, a number of research teams are now addressing this problem of comparison.


2.6 Univore as artifact


Unvore display a taste for one narrow range of activities or objects and do not sample widely. This taste is usually of as a result of poverty and the restrictive habitus associated with poverty.


<But> This apparent indifference to taste may be an artifact of the questions asked, or rather, the questions not asked. All too often surveys did not ask about the activities in which some kinds of people regularly participate.



Who are these folks, and are they all more or less alike, or do they fall into a number of discreet social status groups?


〇例えば、今日における消費活動は宗教や思想信条によって大きく制限がかけられていることは自明である。Today many people choose to limit their patterns of consumption in line with a set of strongly felt religious or moral convictions.

[ex.] Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and “green world”


Since univorts by choice consciously limit their consumption, the focus on what such people “dislike” seems like a good place to begin.



What is more, in limiting the range of aesthetic choices on the basis of an idea of “truth and beauty” (Arnold 1875; Horkheimer, 1986), the highbrow snob is a kind of univore as well.


3 The methodological artifact in comparative research

〇方法論上の手続き(技術的なものであれ、作為的なものであれ)の変化によって調査に人工物が介入し、coding of observationsが行われる。さらにこうした変化に、往々にして調査者は無自覚である。The researchers themselves are unaware of key coding and date management decisions to which the date has been subjected.

→比較研究において、こうした方法論上の人工物の介入は、特に単語や言い回しの選択に際して起こりやすい。The most obvious source of methodological artifacts in comparative research results from the choice of particular words and phrases in the research instrument itself.

〇この問題は一つの言語しか用いられない研究=同一のデータをもとにした同一言語を持つ多国間での研究で生じやすい。[空間的広がりの中での人工物]What is more researcher face this problem even when a single language is used.




→In 2002 it used much the same procedures employed in 1982 and 1992, nonetheless a number of changes were made that might account for some if not all the apparent decline in omnivorousness observed in this time frame. The subsequent waves were meant to replicate the 1982 survey and, although the wording of few questions was changed, there were a number of changes made in response categories.

→The proportion of omnivores as measured by music taste in The US, did not grow between 1992 and 2002, rather it dropped considerably.




There is a range of artifacts beyond those of research-instrument wording that is perhaps even more pernicious because it is not as self-evident. These include the way that samples of respondents are chosen, how the date collection is administered, and how the date is coded.


① 調査主体の変化There were significant changes in the way the survey instrument was administered.

→The 1982 and 1992 surveys were administered as a supplement to the periodic national Crime Victimization Survey (CVS), but in 2002 the SPPA was administered as a supplement to the monthly Current Population Survey (CPS).


② インタビューツールの変化 in the first two waves, most respondents were interviewed in person and some were contacted by phone.



③ サンプリングの手続き there were differences in sampling procedures.

→In all the waves another number of the household was allowed to complete questionnaires for the named respondent.



④ データ記録の際の研究者の決定 researcher decisions about recording of date may also affect the finding in ways that are not apparent unless they are carefully explained.

[ex] 音楽ジャンルの質問において、“all of the above”と回答されることによって、サンプルから選択的に除外されてしまう。we eliminated from the sample respondents for whom “All of the above” was marked as the response to the “Music genres liked” question.


⑤回答各層の人数が不均衡であることによって生じる(特定の層の)“加重” another notable form of methodological artifact is introduced when the raw date is “weighted” to compensate for the fact that some parts of the population are less likely to answer survey than are others.



4 Triangulation with alternative research methods


※2 Triangulation(トリアンギュレーション)は通常、「三角測量」と訳される地学観察における方法論。ここから転じて社会科学における意味としては、同一の調査対象を、方法A(教師へのアンケート)、方法B(授業観察)、方法C(教師や生徒へのインタビュー)など複数の異なる方法から観察し、それらで得られたデータを突き合わせて分析する手法を指す。


The most import reason for mentioning alternative methods in a discussion focusing on comparative analysis is that any result (such as finding omnivorous taste) that is found by two or more different methods helps to validate the results obtained by one method alone. Following a standard trigonometric technique used in geography, this valuable sort of comparison is termed “triangulation”.


〇ランダム・サンプリングの比較が(比較研究において)唯一の方法ではない。有効なリサーチ・ストラテジーの一つとして、特定の特徴を持った者として慎重に選出された対象へのインタビューが挙げられる。To this point the focus has been on comparisons among studies on random samples drawn from population, but such sample surveys are by no means the only possible research method available. One very effective strategy is to interview or survey carefully selected respondents chosen because they have specific characteristic of interest.

→このような調査の例として、Lamont (1992), Holt (1997), Halle (1993), Carrabine and Longhurst (1999) などがある。


〇上述の例以外の研究では、あらかじめ予期される回答に基づいて質問が練られることが多いが、「何を好むか」「何をするか」と厳密に問うていくことよりは、人々は日々の選択をオープンかつ公的に利用可能なものとして行うので、控えめにそれらのリソースを観察する方が望ましい。it would seem preference to unobtrusively observe people as they make consequential everyday choices that are open and publicly available.

→Kern(1997)は新聞や雑誌に掲載される個人広告(personal ads)から。広告掲載者の文化資本について分析した。そして厳密な質問を行わなくとも、ほとんどの広告主からオムニボア的なテイストを観察することができた。


5 Coda

〇比較研究における問題は、観察対象の相違ではなく、むしろ観察主体の方法論、概念化、測定方法に起因するものであることが明らかとなった。These comparisons among studies have been made in order to illustrate the possibility that the observed results, whether the same or different, are due to difference in conceptualization, measurement, or method, rather than to differences in the observation world.


The beauty of comparison is that well and fairly done it is a powerful tool of intellectual inquiry, since an observation made repeatedly is given more credence than a single observation is, and changes can be interpreted with greater confidence.

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